Exploring Slieve League

We left Derry in the morning, headed toward Slieve League. It took a few hours to get to and when we got close we actually got lost. We wound up in a small village nearby and stopped for lunch in a small pub. Jeremy ordered Seafood chowder and I ordered lamb stew. It was some of the best chowder and stew we’ve ever had. Once we had a moment to look at our maps over our soup, we found the right directions and continued onto Slieve League.

We parked at the southern parking lot and walked the one mile up the hill to the viewing platform. We were a little bummed to see no climbing signs everywhere. We would have liked to venture out a bit farther onto the cliffs.

A long the way, we saw shaggy sheep grazing lazily in the sun.

The view from the platform was stunning. The clouds moved quickly overhead, creating shadows and light spots. While the Cliffs of Mohr get a lot of the fame for being tall and grand, but Slieve league is actually more than double the height of the Cliffs of Mohr.

It was hard to leave this place. I could have stared at the rocks for hours. Off in the distance, we could see people hiking along the ridge. Jeremy wanted to hike that trail so badly, but we needed to get back to Derry. We’re glad we spent the time to visit, even though it was really far out of the way.


A fall weekend in Toronto


Catching the perfect light at Old Man Storr, on Isle of Skye, Scotland.